The Curse of the Trillion-Dollar Coin

My prediction: In the modern liberal socialist future, we will all be millionaires …. and a trillion-dollar coin won't buy a cup of coffee.

It doesn’t have to happen. But it still can. Free market solutions must replace government control, individual responsibility must replace government welfare, the stifled entrepreneurial spirit must be unleashed … if we want to secure the American future.

It would be foolish to ignore the progress made by President Trump; his leadership is sorely needed to the process of getting America back on track. But it would be even more foolish to think our current President believes in the only thing that will secure liberty, prosperity and peace for the America future: a government limited to protection of citizens -- their lives, rights and property -- through the police, the courts and the military.

People much smarter than I am will have to provide guidance toward that government. People much stronger and braver than I am will have to make it happen. People much younger than I am will have to display the skill and the perseverance to follow through with the many years of hard struggle to set America on the right path.

If those people are out there, it’s time to get started.

President Trump will probably do a lot of good in his (hopefully) two terms. A possible President Pence might follow Trump and do more good for our country. But even if all that happens, the political left will be preparing for their inevitable return to power. God help us when that happens.

Unfortunately, no matter our level of faith, we all know that God will not help us when that happens. It’s up to us.

At most, we have three more presidential terms to determine how to protect our country from the death blow of unrestricted leftist power. The next leftist President, and those that follow, will probably make Barack Obama look like Thomas Jefferson. Soon, our money will be worthless. Liberty and prosperity will be lost to the past. And there will be no peace: not in the world, not in our streets, not in our minds. Punitive political correction will be the law of the land, everything will be free, nothing will be available, and politicians will be the only folks allowed to drink coffee.